I'm sure you all are as excited as I am about my interview with Caridad Pineiro today! In the last post I shared Caridad's impressive background. Today, before we jump into the interview, I'd like to say how much I enjoyed reading SINS OF THE FLESH. I was lucky to have some down time during the holidays and was able to relax and disappear into the suspenseful world Caridad created. And I'm not the only
one who loved it. SINS OF THE FLESH has gotten fantastic reviews. My favorite its this one:
"Cutting-edge scientific conspiracy gives "paranormal" a fascinating and believable new edge in Caridad Pineiro's exciting romantic suspense thriller. A man and woman, each labeled "rogue," must make extraordinary efforts to stop a species-threatening scheme. Pineiro's Mick and Caterina generate plenty of heart, heat, and heroism to defeat clever and brutal killers." by Carole Nelson DouglasYou can read a excerpt of SINS OF THE FLESH
here, and also read a
prequel. Let's look at the book teaser and then we'll start the interview.
Caterina Shaw’s days are numbered. Her only chance for survival is a highly experimental gene treatment – a risk she willingly takes. But now Caterina barely recognizes herself. She has new, terrifying powers, an exotic, arresting body — and she’s been accused of a savage murder, sending her on the run. Mick Carrera is a mercenary and an expert at capturing elusive, clever prey. Yet the woman he’s hunting down is far from the vicious killer he’s been told to expect: Caterina is wounded, vulnerable, and a startling mystery of medical science. Even more, she’s a beautiful woman whose innocent sensuality tempts Mick to show her exactly how thrilling pleasure can be. The heat that builds between them is irresistible, but surrendering to it could kill them both . . . for a dangerous group is plotting its next move using Caterina as its deadly pawn.
Julia: Hello Caridad, I'm really been looking forward to having you visit!
I loved reading SINS OF THE FLESH . As soon as I began reading,
I said to myself, "this is somethingvery different from the other works
Caridad has produced." Genetic Engineering? What lead you to write this book?
Caridad: I love science and have always been fascinated by genetics.
I wanted to do a novel with a paranormal element, but did not want to do one
with vampires or demons. That got me to thinking about how a human could
develop otherworldly properties and it occurred to me that was possible with
genetic engineering. I brushed up on what I remembered from being
a science major, did some research and started writing.
Julia: I know you're a super fast writer, so did it take you longer to
produce this book? Was the research time consuming?
Caridad: The research for this book was time consuming because
I wanted to justifywhat was happening in the heroine's body with real life science.
That took making a list of those traits and then tracking down the science
that would produce those traits.In addition, I wanted to have someone trying
to treat the heroine, so I had to researchwhat medical procedures and tests
would be used. Between research and the writing,it took me about
5 months to write the book.
Julia: I loved Caterina's "turning invisible" power. This is something t
hat would come in handywhen I'm working and don't want my kids to find me.
Is there a special "power" you wish you had?
Caridad: LOL! Yes, it would be nice to hide from the world for a little bit.
I thinkI would like super power because I'm protective by nature and would
like to use that ability to keep people safe.
Julia: Actually, I'm convinced you're some type of wonder woman to be
able to do as much as youdo. How DO you juggle a demanding job as
an attorney, being a hugely prolific author, run a writer's organization,
and have time for yourself and family?
Caridad: I just clink those two bracelets together and . . . All kidding aside,
I just try tomake the most of the time that I have. I visualize the scene
I'm going to write as I walk toand from the office so I can sit down and write
at the computer. I try not to spend toomuch time on the Internet and get up
extra early to work (both at writing and in my law office)so I can always
have time for my family.
Julia: I know SINS OF THE FLESH is the first of a series. How many are
you planningfor the series and will they all be about genetic engineering?
Tell us a little about the upcoming books.
Caridad: SINS OF THE FLESH is the first in a series. The second book
comesout inOctober 2010 and is titled STRONGER THAN SIN. In STRONGER
there willbe another patient who has been genetically engineered -
this time to produce bone to replace bone he has lost due to disease.
Unfortunately, the bone is showing upin all kinds of places whereit shouldn't.
Did I mention there is a black ops group that iscontrolling this patient?
STRONGER is an emotionally compelling read which brings back Dr. Liliana Carrera
from SINS OF THE FLESH. As for other books, I'm finishing the proposal for
books 3 and 4. These will also involve patients who will have some genetic engineering,
but I'll also be bringing inbionics and nanotechnology to give these patients
even cooler powers.
Julia: This all sounds so exciting!! I can't wait to read them all! Thanks so
much for visitingmy blog! I wish you tons of success with this series.
I know readers are going to love it!
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